Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homeopathic Flu Vaccine & Immune Booster Available

I am ordering these for customers and for my family.

the influenzinum info is here:
The cost is $15 per vaccine. they recommend using it with Thymo an immune booster- It is also $15. So total for both $30, which is comparable to a flu shot in cost without nasty side effects.

You can order them together or separately. Kids get 1/2 of adult dose. So 2 kids would need 1 $15 vaccine. I am placing the order Wednesday. To order yours call my store: 865-249-7012. We just ask that you pre-pay so that we don't over order. I will be taking these and giving them to my kids. We have already used (and carry) some of their other products--Kids Relief Homepathics, and have had good results.

1 comment:

LeslieTummel said...

I would like 1 of each please! I can mail you a check & you can send it to my Dad via Erin, or I can stop by 1 weekend when we are home. Let me know! ~leslie